Crypto PR Lab Powerhouse Founders Alexandra Karpova and Masha Prusakova

Co-founders of Blockchain and ICO advisory Crypto PR Lab, Alexandra Karpova and Masha Prusakova are making their mark in the crypto community. The two are equally inspiring, with Masha a former Olympic snowboarder cross Berkeley Law student, before discovering crypto. For Alexandra, her beginnings were in some of New York’s top finance and Real Estate […]

Crypto PR Lab Powerhouse Founders Alexandra Karpova and Masha Prusakova

Co-founders of Blockchain and ICO advisory Crypto PR Lab, Alexandra Karpova and Masha Prusakova are making their mark in the crypto community.

The two are equally inspiring, with Masha a former Olympic snowboarder cross Berkeley Law student, before discovering crypto. For Alexandra, her beginnings were in some of New York’s top finance and Real Estate firms, before a blockchain conference changed her career path completely.

Bitcoin Australia spoke to these inspiring women about the future of crypto and putting the spotlight on women in this industry.

We bring you this interview as part of our new series, Women in Crypto, where we interview inspiring women in the crypto community.

An Exciting Industry To be Apart of

Vivacious, determined and passionately immersed in the world of crypto, Alexandra Karpova and Masha Prusakova are certainly two figures to watch.

Recently launching their startup Crypto PR Lab, the two focus on supporting other businesses in navigating the crypto world. Combining their extensive experience in sales, finance, law and crypto, Alexandra and Masha have been able to establish a platform that works as a one-stop-PR-shop. It’s an incredible platform to launch businesses into the dynamic crypto space.

On top of managing the Lab, the two are highly involved in conferences, forums and education in the community. You can also find the two advocating for women in crypto within the space.

“You don’t see any other industry so dynamic and moving so fast. The technology is really amazing and it’s rewarding to watch what’s happening, to be apart of it and watch it gain momentum. I’d love to look back later on and say “Hey, I was apart of that” and that motivates me. “ (Alexandra)

Alexandra and Masha at the Block Show, 2018
Alexandra and Masha at the Block Show, 2018

And apart of the industry they are – both of them working in Indonesia when I called. Masha was a speaker at the recent XBlockchain Summit, a predecessor to the much anticipated IMF World Bank Meeting last week. “We are working hard,” Masha explained, “[we are] promoting blockchain startups, promoting women in crypto”.

Putting the Spotlight on Women

As two female CEOs of a blockchain and ICO advisory, Alexandra and Masha are a rarity in the male-dominated crypto community.

“The numbers are really small… according to some research, it’s only 8% of blockchain workers and enthusiasts that are women. 10% of women invest in crypto. So it’s really really low.“ (Masha)

Like many tech companies, the crypto space is notorious for its underrepresentation of women. A study of google analytics data mapped female engagement in the space at 8.78%.

There was clear frustration from both women, especially about female representation. “If you go to the list of the most successful in blockchain like Forbes, there’s a list of 19 people and they’re all men,” Masha commented.

Crypto PR Lab founders Alexandra and Masha

For Alexandra and Masha, these statistics only strengthen their motivation. They are both determined to promote female representation in the industry, whilst outlining practical solutions to do so.

“I think what we should do is expose some of the female role models, so someone like Elizabeth Stark or Crystal Rose. These people need to be out there – they need to be on Forbes covers, they need to be on the magazines, they need to be interviewed.” (Masha.)

And there’s no reason why Alexandra or Masha themselves shouldn’t be on the magazine covers, in interviews and in the public attention.

Both embodying a passion, enthusiasm and determination as all good role models should, the two are providing leadership for all women wanting to enter the crypto community.

The Future of Crypto

Highlighting the importance of education in the lives of contemporary women, Alexandra and Masha envision a world with more accessible education in the blockchain. Currently, formal crypto education is found at many ivy league institutions like Stanford and Berkeley. RMIT in Melbourne is currently leading the way to accessibility, with a range of blockchain short courses open to the public.

“I think if you could create a bachelor degree in blockchain technology or masters in community management for blockchain startups, then you will see lots of graduate students choosing this discipline. It’s new and exciting to study and could show women how to get a job in a blockchain company.” (Masha)

Alexandra and Masha are excited to be apart of these changes, already considering how they can utilize their skills to facilitate wider access to crypto education.

This is not just for women either, as the two recently met with the Finance Minister of Mauritius to discuss crypto education in developing countries. Beaming with pride and excitement, Alexandra and Masha are inspired by the power of crypto for positive global change.

”[Crypto] creates opportunities for a lot of people who never had these opportunities before. It’s exciting. I really like seeing this and being involved.“ (Alexandra)

From running their own business, speaking at conferences all over the world, promoting women in crypto and facilitating education in the developing world, there’s not much these incredible leaders can’t do.

To keep up with Alexandra and Masha, check out their socials below:

LinkedIn: Alexandra

LinkedIn: Masha

Twitter: Crypto PR Lab

For other ways to stay in the loop, check out the Women in Blockchain Telegram channel. 

And the Women in Blockchain International Impact Group

Tune in next week for our next instalment of Women in Crypto. We’ll be chatting to the founder of investment platform Spendher, Skye Dunworth.

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