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  • Cloud Mining: Hot or Not?

    As Bitcoin continues to soar to new all-time highs, global awareness surrounding cryptocurrencies has exploded. Particularly for newcomers, the idea of mining Bitcoin can sound very attractive at first. After a little research, however, the realities of needing special mining equipment, electricity costs, and technical know-how can be discouraging to many would-be miners. Cloud mining […]

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    Cloud Mining: Hot or Not?
  • Big-Ticket Items You Can Buy with Bitcoin

    For many active investors in the cryptocurrency space, a lot of time is spent trading one coin for another. It can be easy to forget that the viability of most cryptocurrencies depends on being used for commerce in the real world. If nobody were willing to accept Bitcoin as payment, it wouldn’t have much value. […]

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    Big-Ticket Items You Can Buy with Bitcoin
  • A Comprehensive List of ICO Tracking Websites and Tools

    The number of startups and established brands raising capital by selling digital tokens that represent value on the blockchain is on the rise. In 2014, you could expect one initial coin offering (ICO), or crowd sale as they were called then, to launch in two months. In 2017, two or three launches each week, and keeping track of them is becoming an issue.

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    A Comprehensive List of ICO Tracking Websites and Tools
  • Popular Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms and How They Work

    In centralized systems, an administrator manages the database and decides what files to store and how to update them. The administrator can delegate this power to others. With decentralized public ledgers, or blockchains, however, no administrators exist. Independent nodes in peer-to-peer networks must come to a consensus on the status of the ledger. The question […]

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    Popular Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms and How They Work
  • Top 3 Bitcoin Scandals

    Although it is true that Bitcoin is one of the most innovative inventions of the 21st century with potentials to revolutionize financial systems all around the world, it is also true that Bitcoin has unfortunately been linked to various scandalous incidents. This article highlights the top 3 Bitcoin scandals.

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    Top 3 Bitcoin Scandals
  • What You Need To Know About Bitcoin Cash

    If you’ve been following the Bitcoin scaling efforts lately, you already know that the Bitcoin blockchain forked on August 1, giving birth to a new currency called Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The event was surrounded by quite a bit of uncertainty over how well the new currency would perform. Would it flatline for lack of support? […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    What You Need To Know About Bitcoin Cash
  • A Simple Guide to Blockchain Forks

    As the adoption of blockchain grows, so does the need to understand the lexicon around it. A fork is a common blockchain technical term used specifically in the ongoing scaling debate, yet it causes a lot of confusion, particularly for those new to the technology. Knowing what it means puts you in a better position […]

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    A Simple Guide to Blockchain Forks
  • Bitcoin Benefits from Australia’s Push to be Global FinTech Hub

    Starting 1 July 2017, Bitcoin use in Australia will no longer result in double taxation. The government announced the change in its 2017-18 budget report. The change comes under the $1.1 billion National Innovation and Science Agenda (NISA), designed to make Australia attractive to financial technology enterprise. From the report: “The Government is committed to […]

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    Bitcoin Benefits from Australia’s Push to be Global FinTech Hub
  • Gig Economy: Could Blockchain Empower Workers?

    The global economy has relied on permanent employment as the main source of labor since the industrial revolution of the 19th century. Silicon Valley is changing that through short-term contracting or freelancing platforms such as Uber, Lyft, Upwork and Airbnb. In October 2016, Forbes reported: Freelancers now make up 35% of U.S. workers and collectively […]

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    Gig Economy: Could Blockchain Empower Workers?

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