China & Asia articles

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  • China Plans to Outlaw Bitcoin Mining Farms

    Unsettling news comes from China for crypto miners: the country considers making mining farms illegal. This information made headlines last week, after an update published by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The NDRC is the top economic planning agency in China. Thus, the recent announcement carries significant weight.

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    China & Asia
    China Plans to Outlaw Bitcoin Mining Farms
  • Japanese Crypto Exchange Zaif Felled in Latest Hack

    Zaif cryptocurrency exchange announced the theft of more than $59 million US dollars from clients’ wallets yesterday. The exchange estimates that approximately 5,966 bitcoins remain unaccounted for along with an unspecified number of MonaCoins and Bitcoin Cash.

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    China & Asia
    Japanese Crypto Exchange Zaif Felled in Latest Hack

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