Bitcoin BTC articles

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  • Macroeconomic Outlook: The REAL Reason You Should Buy the Dip

    Anyone who has spent some time perusing various online crypto communities has likely heard the catchphrase, “buy the dip”, or it’s more explicit cousin, “buy the f***ing dip”, often abbreviated to BTFD. In the most general sense, this sums up much of what can be described as a “trading strategy” for any market – of […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    Macroeconomic Outlook: The REAL Reason You Should Buy the Dip
  • What Can Forex Teach Us About the Current State of Cryptocurrency Regulations?

    Forex is short for “foreign exchange.” Forex traders make money by trading one national currency for another. Unlike the stock market, which opens and closes every day, foreign exchange markets operate 24/7 like cryptocurrency markets.

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    Bitcoin BTC
    What Can Forex Teach Us About the Current State of Cryptocurrency Regulations?
  • 5 Bitcoin Core Alternatives That Don’t Fork the Blockchain

    Did you know you can run a node on the Bitcoin network without using the Bitcoin Core software? And that you can do so without causing the blockchain to fork? Last year Bitcoin has experienced two successful hard forks that split the blockchain into three distinct cryptocurrencies—Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold. The two forks […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    5 Bitcoin Core Alternatives That Don’t Fork the Blockchain
  • Big-Ticket Items You Can Buy with Bitcoin

    For many active investors in the cryptocurrency space, a lot of time is spent trading one coin for another. It can be easy to forget that the viability of most cryptocurrencies depends on being used for commerce in the real world. If nobody were willing to accept Bitcoin as payment, it wouldn’t have much value. […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    Big-Ticket Items You Can Buy with Bitcoin
  • Top 3 Bitcoin Scandals

    Although it is true that Bitcoin is one of the most innovative inventions of the 21st century with potentials to revolutionize financial systems all around the world, it is also true that Bitcoin has unfortunately been linked to various scandalous incidents. This article highlights the top 3 Bitcoin scandals.

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    Bitcoin BTC
    Top 3 Bitcoin Scandals
  • What You Need To Know About Bitcoin Cash

    If you’ve been following the Bitcoin scaling efforts lately, you already know that the Bitcoin blockchain forked on August 1, giving birth to a new currency called Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The event was surrounded by quite a bit of uncertainty over how well the new currency would perform. Would it flatline for lack of support? […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    What You Need To Know About Bitcoin Cash
  • A Simple Guide to Blockchain Forks

    As the adoption of blockchain grows, so does the need to understand the lexicon around it. A fork is a common blockchain technical term used specifically in the ongoing scaling debate, yet it causes a lot of confusion, particularly for those new to the technology. Knowing what it means puts you in a better position […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    A Simple Guide to Blockchain Forks
  • Why Have Bitcoin Micro-Tipping Platforms Failed?

    Eight months after ChangeTip launched, Emin Gün Sirer wished it dead. He also asked us all to celebrate its demise when it happened. Sirer is an IT security expert, commentator and professor at Cornell University. In a blog post titled “ChangeTip Must Die” published in December 2014, Sirer stated that the death of ChangeTip was […]

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    Bitcoin BTC
    Why Have Bitcoin Micro-Tipping Platforms Failed?
  • How to Decide What Size Bitcoin Transaction Fee to Attach

    The choice to attach a small fee for miners every time you send bitcoins is slowly going from voluntary to mandatory. Miners are already taking longer to confirm transactions that lack sufficient fees.

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    Bitcoin BTC
    How to Decide What Size Bitcoin Transaction Fee to Attach

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